Friday, January 15, 2010

Way to go, New Jersey

...He says as he rolls his eyes.

New Jersey is allowing an exception to their anti-idle law to expire May 1.

That exception allowed drivers to idle their engines when in the sleeper berth.

So now, in New Jersey, you won't be able to idle your truck for more than 3 minutes while parked. Period. No exceptions.

Good for the environment! some cheer.

Ignorant of reality and kind to the atmosphere at the expense of human safety.

If you can't afford an APU to run your air conditioning, or if yours breaks (I'd venture to guess that a majority of trucks don't have APUs yet) you'll no longer be able to legally idle your truck in order to keep the cab cool.


If we can't sleep, we don't drive safely. If we don't drive safely, you non-trucking types will start screaming about tightening the Hours of Service rules.

If this post seems incoherent, it's only because this anti-idle crap makes me so livid I can't find adequate words to express myself.

How are drivers supposed to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer without an APU or the ability to idle their engines?

Are you going to subsidize the purchase and installation of APUs, New Jersey?
No, you're not. You're just going to pass laws that effectively treat truck drivers worse than livestock.

Laws like this are born in ignorance. It's ignorance that's hard to dispel, because we who drive are out doing our jobs, and that means we can't be at home, pestering our representatives about keeping the law remotely fair for truck drivers.

If it keeps going this way, you might as well just teach me how to yoke up a team of oxen....

But then I suppose they wouldn't be allowed to defecate.


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