Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Seen recently, scrawled on a toilet paper dispenser in a Texas bathroom:
Another, briefer gripe about misplaced American Christian zeal.
In the search for truth and ordered, responsible living, Christianity has a tendency to act like it has a leg up on the rest of the world.
I often go through days feeling on the edge of something. On the cusp. On the brink. On the verge.
I go in cycles. I've known this for quite awhile. I suppose cyclical behavior is inherent in the human condition. Like seasons, we come around to similar places for similar reasons again and again, based on the influences and outlets of our day to day lives. But as the 4th anniversary of beginning to write a novel (that I planned to hammer out in a year) approaches, I can retrospectively see the bubbles and busts of my behavior almost as clearly as if they were neat DOW Jones tracking charts.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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I was there today, and I go to Utah with what they gave me. What is it really? I don't know. It does not need HazMat Placards, and that's about as far as I care.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Big, Fat, Political Post of DOOM!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
And Bye-bye car
Employment Ho!
Background Endgame
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Done Got Told!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I will divulge that a couple of people I got to know on set, who are on Joey's List (the highly reputable calling service), told me to resubmit with their recommendation. I did so.
Aaaand now I've got an invite to the List. This does not instantly solve my money issues, however, in May, when I only worked 4 days all month, a new friend on Joey's said he'd gone from 4 or 5 days a week to "just" 2 or 3.
So that's cool.
^Understated for effect.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Son
I've had a little bit of trouble adjusting to life as Dad. I didn't expect a pregnancy, nor, frankly, did I welcome it. I developed into the idea, though, understanding that it was God's will. Functioning as a parent has brought out all kinds of curious insecurities and frustration triggers long dormant or until now hidden, and I've had ample opportunity to be disappointed in my own immaturity or frightful streaks of frustration or anger.
That is the preface.
Here is the body:
I understand my son, for the first time, these last days as the Person he is, instead of as the crazy little animal (yes I said it) I'm responsible for. In his intense discomfort during the teething last night, he was in Mama's arms, gnawing on his Nubby Ring (a little gel-plastic ring with water inside that can be frozen). I hovered close to him to give him a little TLC and attention, and he looked at me, removed the ring from his mouth, and held it up to my mouth. He was sharing.
Now I understand where ye skeptics might tell me I'm reading too much into this moment. I assure you, I am not. He did this several times. He chewed, took it out, held it up to me, and would not take it back to his mouth until I had had the opportunity to bite it myself.
I realize he started doing this first with his Elephant Blanket, the trunk of which he sucks on to soothe himself to sleep. I sing him a song or two at night, and give him the blanket to start sucking on. A few days ago, he took the blanket and pressed it against my face. I had an inkling then that he was trying to share, but I couldn't be sure. Seeing the ice ring sharing convinces me.
It's cliche to say this, but those moments of connection make worthwhile all of the good work, and intensify the regret for (and the resolve to never repeat) the foolish lapses that have caused me to misdirect my frustration at him.
He's not an angel. He will prove to be a willful, trying little boy...if only because of his curiosity. But he is tender. He wants to give of things he loves to those he loves.
The Unions
The short answer is that they are and they aren't. Because people are both good and bad.
They're bad because they encourage and reward tunnel vision and self-service when any union racks up a record of strong negotiations. It becomes more about getting every dime that can be got than securing decent, fair wages and benefits.
That said, they are still indispensable...especially in my line of work.
I've been out of work (if you except the 4 days of work I had in May) for almost 5 full weeks. To that end, I've been actively cruising for work anywhere I can find it...to a point.
I consistently find productions that want to pay $10, or $30, or $50 for 8-12 hours of work. I know, I know, y'all that do labor intensive jobs or remarkable tedious things like office tasks would like to contend with my labelling of movies and TV shows "work". Take it from the ex-trucker: it beats digging a hole for a living, but it's not like getting paid to go to the day spa. Anyway, I find myself needing to reject these laughable rates purely on principle.
What's that you say? "Work is work"? Well, maybe, but let me explain. Minimum wage in California is $8 per hour. At the cost of living in this state, even $8 per hour is woefully inadequate to make a living. So apply that to $50. That's 6.25 hours of work. And these folks might hang on to you for 12 or 15 hours (especially if they're newbies and don't know what they're doing...which is often especially the case with the projects that offer to pay these rates). I just can't justify to myself the rightness of taking a $40 or $50 flat rate job (read: no overtime) because I'm desperate for cash. It'll only perpetuate the mindset that says, "Movies are so cool, you should be thankful you get to be in one!"
This is where AFTRA and SAG come in. They've negotiated these things out, so that people who aren't starstruck, and realize that people make a lot of money off of actors and extras, and would like a fair slice of the profit, can have a chance at that.
So I got paid for the fitting today, because a long time ago, the negotiating power of SAG got the studios to acknowledge that a fitting takes time that an actor could be using for some other kind of gainful employment.
Again, this can be carried too far. But let me point out that the multi-million dollar figures that big-name actors haul down on their movies are not SAG contract issues, they're negotiated individually by agents. SAG has a thing called scale, whereby you're paid a certain amount for the thing you're doing...to the extent that even the non-union members (like me) are granted some protection by SAG contract rules on a SAG show. I can only imagine what sets would be like for actors working on making a career.
All of this said, one more thing on this post:
SAG Membership, ratify the contract! Now is not the time for penny grabbing. Let's go to work!
Thank you, that is all.
The Fitting
I have work.
It's 9 [probable] days on Iron Man 2 next week and the week after.
There was also a fitting. I went to that today. Only in Los Angeles can one drive 80 miles round trip for routine business. And you know what? It didn't feel like a pilgrimage. Either I'm getting used to it, or the massive sprawl that is the Greater Los Angeles Metro Area makes the whole thing seem like a shorter trip than it is. This is the route to and from:
View Larger Map
By comparison, here is a similar distance trip in the Minneapolis Metro zone.
View Larger Map
Now, maybe it's just me, but driving from Lakeville to Lino Lakes and back for a half-hour wardrobe fitting would seem a little excessive.
But Santa Clarita to Hawthorne? Sure! And I'm really not bitter about it. Some very nice people attacked me with a tape measure and then gave me some clothes. And I got two hours of base pay for it. So I grossed $16 on the trip. What I'll net, I don't know.
Another curious thing about today. Iron Man 2 will be my first major movie. To this end, it was a first to witness the size of the crew and the racks of wardrobe for the fitting. It makes a difference when the production has an 8 or 9 digit budget.
I took Sepulveda back for half of the trip (another iconic southern California street name) because 405 was a joke...but that's one of the little triumphs of being comfortable with driving and direction finding. It might not be any faster in the long run, but at least I don't have to clutch through four gears for forty straight miles.
Lessons learned today:
Big movies are big movies. Their quality is not so important to those of us actually working them. They provide many days of work. I am in no way impugning the potential quality of Iron Man 2.
I must find an alternate route in order to avoid the 405 north/5 north connector. Awful. Just awful.
Unions serve a purpose. This will be another post.
God is awesome. This will also be another post.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
(Also, I'm kinda curious how many canned Christian Vocabulary Words I can collect in my comments from people don't know (and people I do).)
Here goes:
In an effort to actually know the book that I claim as a foundational element of my spiritual existence and my understanding of the world (and also in response to a new found respect for and interest in God as a high priority in my life) I've taken to [mostly] daily bible reading. It's a touch ad hoc, the bible such as it is, and because I'm not doing the "powerhouse" thing I usually try to do (which would be reading the silly thing from cover to cover). So I've ricocheted around the smaller epistles [letters] in the new testament, and kicked around a few chapters in Isaiah and elsewhere in the old.
Today, I think I started to land on study that draws more than a cursory portion of my attention. I opened the letter of James (right after Hebrews and before Peter's letters).
Let me just work through the personal poignancy of this stuff piece by piece. [NASB, for those who care]
1:2-3 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
I have heard this passage before. It always struck me as curious, but there's much of Christianity that is curious and counter-intuitive to our natural human instincts. But reading this entire sentence shed a whole new light on it. Who doesn't like endurance? And, assuming that you're interested in having faith, who wouldn't like faith with endurance? Eh?
I'm certainly in trial land right now. The long, lonely days of truck-driving, followed by the frenetic, uncertain months of Hollywood have been nothing if not trying...spiritually, financially, and relationally. I knew that it was to my benefit (somehow, somewhere, deep in my subconscious) but I could never invoke any actual biblical truth to back up that nagging suspicion. But now, there it is. "The testing of your faith produces endurance."
It gets better.
1:4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Now, I'm not going to pull out the concordance here. I'm not a Greek scholar. I'm not going to belabor this dual occurrence of "perfect". Suffice it to say this: whether or not James means "perfect" in the literal sense, it dawned on my that the point he's making is totally clear. Endurance of faith, like endurance of the body, evens out one's experience, so that it's consistent. Imagine a marathon. If your endurance is trained into you, you don't deviate from your pace, and subsequently avoid deviating from your path, not needing to stop. You can complete the course (a predetermined amount of time and distance) without stopping or quitting. In the sense of a temporal, finite thing, your endurance has afforded you a perfect and complete experience, and you haven't found yourself short on energy or capacity. I know it's not a flawless analogy, but it illustrates the point, no? My life is a bit longer and a bit more metaphysical than a marathon, but it is a certain, finite period. 1:1 is the ratio of death. So in that finite period, enduring faith affords me a more consistent (more perfect, if you will) spiritual and relational experience. There's less wandering around, wondering if I've got things figured clearly.
Speaking of wandering, the biography continues:
1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
Pretty categorical, right? Such confidence is definitely not contemporary or popular. There's more.
1:6 But he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
If "driven and tossed by the wind" doesn't describe my life for the last half-decade, I don't know what has. I've doubted every decision I've made, to one degree or another, at various times, pretty universally to my pain and detriment (not to mention to the pain and detriment of others). Put 5 and 6 together, and you get a pretty amazing concept. It's a concept I hereby resolve to put into practice, with God's help. Driven and tossed is for the birds.
Also, as a closer to the concept:
1:7-8 For that man [who doubts] ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
This elicited a burst of laughter as I read it. It might, at first, sound a little chilly. But it's simply true. It's not a judgement that James is casting on doubters, it's an observation of what happens in the doubter's mind. "Unstable", or its Greek equivalent, penned two millenia past, hits me square between the eyes. When I doubt that God will provide for me wisdom, clarity, guidance, and material sustenance, I am the epitome of unstable. Literally: when I, the writer, doubt, I, the writer, am horrendously unstable. Also, "double-minded" is a paint of my particular shade. Let me review (I could go back to previous posts and actually quote myself, but I'll spare you that): "I want to act. Do I really? Yes I do. God built me to do this. Really? Yes. No. Maybe. Maybe writing is better. Should I quit the acting and go for writing? Maybe. No. Yes. No. Maybe. Maybe I should chuck it all and go for something stable and responsible. No. Maybe. No. Maybe. Yes--no--maybe. A day job in S.California with writing on the side! Yes. Yes. Yes...."
No. Is it any wonder that God has to drop bombs on my life to get my attention? A random email arrives from an agency and the whole shootin' match is turned on its head.
Says God:
Act, dummy, it's what I put you there for. Do it, following My Word and My guidance and My example. Look at Me, and learn about Me, and remember that My glory is the reason you exist. Quit looking for the answers for why I sent you this way. The answer is always apparent in retrospect. The more you search for The Answer, the less you're trusting me, and becoming the beacon you're supposed to be.
So the money is tight, and I don't know what's coming in the future. I do know that our church, the leadership of which barely knows me from Adam (if you'll excuse the phrase) has seen fit to give us gift cards for groceries and gas. I also know that yesterday somebody happened to cancel their photo shoot on the 27th, and I got the bump up to that date (a full week earlier than before)...and only because I happened to call earlier that day to work out final payment on the shoot.
The reassurance that this is our path, wherever it eventually leads, is so strong that, for the very first time, I ask for the wisdom and strength to endure, and for the resources to pay my debts with no doubts or double-mindedness...perhaps it is somewhat because of my confidence in God that these blessings keep raining down. It's a pretty glorious chicken-egg scenario.
There's a final bonus. I've always doubted whether I could give God glory for any accolades that I might receive in my life. Not any more. If soever I'm blessed enough to be honored for my work, God is the first One to get props for it. I cannot now nor ever in the future deny that whatever comes in my life, it's Him that made it possible.
To close, a quote:
He that does not see the hand of God in this is blind, sir...blind. - General T.J. "Stonewall" Jackson
The man fought and died for a losing cause, indeed, we understand a flawed cause...but he knew something that most miss. God directs the purposes and actions of all mankind, whether right or wrong, to the fulfillment of His plan.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Facebook status says "Mark Saienga is represented." That is, that is what my Facebook status would read if Facebook still had status updates instead of the stream-of-consciousness twitter-rivaling blurbs they've got now. If I want to do stream-of-consciousness, I blog (see above). The "is represented" part is the interesting part.
I went to the meeting at MMi on Monday. It went well.
It went well.
I had to stare at that sentence long enough that I needed to re-write it. It feels like one of those sentences that needs so much unpacking, the contents seem impossible to repack after they've been examined.
Alicia always says, "I want a play-by-play!"
Perhaps that's best.
I had to take the 405 to Santa Monica Boulevard in order to get to their office. It struck me on the way down there, again, that I find myself on these iconic roads and at these iconic places as a part of my daily existence. It's good that there's a certain acclimatization that happens. If I didn't get somewhat used to it, I'd spend too much time geeking out to get anything done.
I found a parking spot, covered a short walk, and hopped on the elevator to MMi's 6th floor offices. I hung out in the lobby for awhile, reading the LA Times. I was early, as I chronically am, and was thankful for the entertainment section. When I'm anticipating something, I have a tendency to start to wonder if I've been overlooked or forgotten. That was hellish in the trucking days. Seven hour waits at the dock often reinforced that paranoia. I digress.
It was a businesslike place. That was intimidating at first, but then it made me more comfortable. If I'm looking for someone to find me auditions for well-paid work, I'd much prefer somebody businesslike than somebody trendy. Another intimidation factor that I ran into, both last Thursday and Monday, was my response to the presence of "pretty" people. Being an agency (technically, it's a management company, but for simplicity, I'll use agency) with "Model" in the name, MMi nets its fair share of models. Well, those people you see in magazines are only airbrushed so much. When you see somebody that could have just walked off the set of a Cologne spread, it's a little surreal. My personal response to that experience is to snap out a quick mental, "What the hell am I doing here?" One does not have to be a serious student of psychology to notice said response indicates a number of things about my confidence in my own physical appearance.
So I'm sitting in the lobby, reading the newspaper in order to allay my sense of insecurity. Nicolas comes into the lobby to give me the dime tour. He walks me around the halls of the floor, where each office houses two people, busily going about their work. They find print ads, commercials, TV and Film work for their clients. I understand that this walk-around is designed to impress me with the inherent diligence of the whole place. Such is only expected. They stand to make 20% of whatever I gross. They're already interested in me, and they want to let me know they're serious about what they're doing. They'd like me to sign on.
I take the presentation for a presentation, but I'm also listening to the little speech that Nicolas is giving me. First, he's speaking to me with an earnest and connected honesty. It's not a sales pitch. Second, he's hitting me with numbers that I've heard before. He's quoting typical compensation for different kinds of projects. He's not overselling those numbers, they're impressive by themselves. Then I get why we're doing this. They take shots on people with a look. Experience not required. Hollywood will take a look and teach it to perform. I'm sure they see people every day that haven't got the first idea what they're doing in Hollywood. It's their business model. Net the looks, and those that can function will function. It doesn't cost them a dime to take chances.
Now, some people might find this a bit off-putting. I actually like it. They weren't trying to conceal their system, or selling me a shovelful of manure about how special I was. I'm exactly as special as they think I am. I'm worth the offer. That's all I need sometimes. I know what my skill set is like, both for auditions and for performance. I'm digressing again. I'm digressing on the border of justification...and I haven't even finished the story.
Anyway. This is a company that takes in a larger number of unproven candidates in order to offset the number of unprovens that wind up basically flaking out. Nicolas looked at my ten best headshots. He talked to me, and paid attention to me. He erred on the side of caution in explaining things to me. Obviously, he deals with a lot of unrealistic and star-struck folks in his working day. Essentially he went out of his way to explain that MMi is exactly what I hoped it would be. They find the opportunities. I show up and capitalize. They get a cut. Perfect. I can't tell you how many people claim to do this, and then throw a little lime twist in there to make an extra buck.
Speaking of making an extra buck, here comes the part that all of you scam alarmists will scrutinize.
There's a package. It's a full-day photo shoot with a photographer (I've seen and like his work), a make-up artist, hair-stylist, and wardrobe consultant. It's $900. Those are the facts, ma'am. I chose to go for it, without a clue where that money will come from. Here's why:
My headshots, while good, are not as diverse as is necessary to really be viable in a broader market of print and commercial, plus theatrical TV and film. I know this. I knew this coming out of that first shoot in January. What those headshots did do was get me the interest from MMi. In the industry sense of things (if not in real cash, yet) those shots have just paid for themselves. To be offered a luxury shoot of the nature offered, for the price offered...it's hard to pass up. This is obviously an at-cost arrangement. MMi is brokering all of the elements, and not taking a dime of it for revenue. They also didn't require that I opt in to the shoot. That would have been a deal breaker. They simply offered it as a way to get me in as marketable a position as I can be, so that they can sell me to CDs, and make their 20% when I'm actually working. This makes sense to me.
So I signed on the dotted line. It's a non-exclusive, at-will agreement. They agree to find me auditions, and I agree to give them 20% of what I get paid. Have I written 20% enough yet? Sorry about that. The nature of the contract is also a cool thing. It's not a term contract, I'm not obligated to a year or two years. I'm also not obligated to give them a commission if I happen to find work through other contacts. This they do not have to do.
So I'm represented. I have a photo shoot date set for June 3. We have bills to pay. And the extra work has been dismal these last weeks. The combination of emotions invoked by the facts covered in the preceding four sentences would be the reason for any lack of jubilance you may sense in this post.
I can look forward to a serious broadening of my professional possibilities. I can look at the present and notice that I'm facing one of the harshest challenges of faith I've ever been through. I need to avoid freaking out and trying to make the money come. I need also to avoid second-guessing all of this. I need also to remember that God knew the fabric of my life before the foundation of the earth...and that He means well for me, in spite of me.
Case-in-point: We decided to opt out of the new apartment. In fact, we'd be moving in there tomorrow if we'd followed through...or, rather, not moving in, because there's no money for it. We decided to stay here, and reorganize (really reorganize) our lives around the three-person arrangement. With a new lease, we get $1000 to apply to discounting rent. We hadn't signed the new lease yet, mostly as a matter of oversight (and we'd not really been told it was ready). After Thursday, and the new understanding of a coming expense, we were in a perfect position to apply that discount money to June's rent. So, instead of owing $1200 tomorrow and $1450 on June 1st, we owe about $200 on June 1st. What a pass!
I have less doubt than I've ever had in an eventual positive outcome (incredible outcome, if I want to pick a really representative adjective), but I still fight with doubt that can grow monstrous.
If I'm really going to be honest with myself, I think the reason it's so hard to post here (especially these days) is because I'd rather ignore all this uncertainty until the storm is past. If I sit down here and hash it all out--go back and recall it, surmise what it means, and what it might mean--I have to cope with the associated emotion. And I have to cope with the emotion in a totally eletric, immediate way. Because it's all right here. Right now. This is my life.
I'm so on the cusp. It's clear to the point of pain. The future is so near, and my grasp of my God and myself is almost in line. The mechanisms are almost in place. I might just be able to start living my life without paralyzing doubt, without looking over my shoulder, and without mistrusting my every perception. But it hasn't happened yet. The puzzle is incomplete.
But the picture on the box is starting to show up in the placed pieces.